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A decade of after-sales services in medical technology and hospital electromedicine

Servicios integrals de Soporte a la Electromedicna (Sisemed) was born 10 years ago in the Sarrià neighborhood as an initiative of the Costaisa Group to develop the area of ​​services in medical technology. The first landing was made in the hospital sector and during the first years it occupied 80% of its activity, where it has managed to establish itself as a provider of guarantees, fresh and dynamic, that takes care of the quality of the service.

Proof of this is the important effort that the company has made since its origins in ensuring its service. In 2011 it obtained ISO 9001 on Quality Management and ISO 13485 on Quality Management for medical devices for regulatory purposes, which was followed by ISO 14001 on Environmental Management and OHSAS 18001 on Occupational Health and Safety, two years later.

Logo Sisemed 10 Aniversario

In 2015, José Antonio Rodríguez Leyva assumed the General Management of Sisemed, and one of his first purposes was also to invest in the area of ​​after-sales services to manufacturers of medical technology, which today means more than 50% of the company's annual turnover.

The commitment to caring for its team is also evident. Sisemed has an online training campus for its electromedical technicians displaced throughout the Spanish territory and in Latin America. Sisemedcampus offers continuous technical training related to the company's service lines and products, as well as internal management aspects, such as procedures and quality, among others.

In addition, it is the driving force behind the Dual FP for electromedical technicians. In 2016 Sisemed participated with the Departament d'Ensenyament de Catalunya, FENIN and SEEIC, in the working group in charge of laying the foundations for the cycle of Higher Technician in Clinical Electromedicine, which in September of that year began its journey at the Institute Marina de La Llagosta, becoming the first center to offer the degree in all of Spain.

La Llagosta was succeeded by the Instituto Federica Montseny de Burjassot, Valencia, and the IES Cuenca Minera de Riotinto in 2019, which also had the participation of Sisemed in the training of its teachers and students.

Sisemed has also actively participated in all the Talent Forums in Biomedical Engineering that the University of Barcelona (UB), the Polytechnic University of Barcelona (UPC) and the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) have organized for four years, with the collaboration of Fenin.

Sisemed headquartersIn 2018, Sisemed signed Fenin's MedTech code of ethics to give more transparency in its relationships with customers and suppliers, thereby dissipating the perception of any possible conflict of interest, promoting ethical business practices and socially responsible conduct.

Sisemed has also joined the # OSDéate initiative promoted by the Government to commemorate the 2030 Agenda and the 17 sustainable development goals of the United Nations, so that our offer of services has the least environmental impact and in instilling the culture of sustainable management in the entire company.

Innovation is also a driving force of our growth strategy. We are currently exploring the possibilities offered by disciplines such as augmented reality for remote assistance, the use of IoT for the inventory and geolocation of medical technology teams or big data solutions to obtain predictions of intervention in the teams in our care.

Today, when we celebrate our 10th anniversary, we are a company specialized in hospital electromedical services, in technical assistance and after-sales, and in information systems for medical technology, both in Spain and Portugal. With nearly a hundred magnificent professionals we are in a position to provide coverage throughout Spain and Portugal.

We are firmly committed to continue working to guarantee patient safety and to take advantage of the potential offered by new technologies, because it offers us a very interesting future.

Skyline Costaisa Group