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Legal notice

Disclaimer, legal information and acceptance

This legal notice and information (hereinafter, "Legal Notice") controls the use of Internet pages "www.sisemed.com" that Servicios Integrales de Soporte a la Electromedicina, SL (Hereinafter "Sisemed") makes available to Internet users.

Sisemed has its head office in Pau Alcover, 33 (Barcelona 08017, Spain), with FIN ES-B65324030. and is registered at the Mercantile Register of Barcelona.

The use of these websites implies full and unreserved acceptance of each and every one of the resolutions contained in this Legal Notice as published by Sisemed at the very moment when users access to our Website. Consequently, users should read this Legal Notice in each of the occasions on which users intend to access to these pages, since Disclaimer may be modified.

Documents contained in Sisemed

Documents and graphics attached to these documents that are located on the website with the URL www.sisemed.com may be amended at any time without prior notice by Sisemed.

Sisemed and its suppliers do not guarantee the suitability of the content of these documents and attached graphics, so it will not respond in an inadequacy situation -in cases such as typographical errors- nor of the use of these documents makes receiver user, which assumes all risk that might arise from this use. Sisemed not be liable for damages arising from such use.

Intellectual and industrial property rights

The website with the URL www.sisemed.com is supported entirely by the team of Marketing and Communication of Costaisa Group, which owns Sisemed, being responsive of all the rights of intellectual property. These rights protect graphic designs, source code, content and other elements of Sisemed's website, with the exception of property rights that are not owned by Sisemed and are owned by their respective owners.

Sisemed allows simple download and storage information of its website in user's hard drive, but it is strictly prohibited to modify, distribute, reuse, or forward all or part of Sisemed website's content for public or commercial purposes without Sisemed's written authorization.

Actions that could infringe terms expressed above may constitute an infringement of the intellectual property protection rights in the consolidated text of the Intellectual Property Law (TRLPI), provoking lawsuits established in Articles 270 and following and concordant to current Penal Code.

Links to thrid parties sities

Sisemed gives users access to other third party websites through links with the sole purpose of informing about the existence of other information sources on Internet which can expand the information available to users on our website.

These links to other websites does not imply in any way a suggestion or recommendation to visit destination web pages that are outside of Sisemed's control. Sisemed is not responsible of third party websites content or the result obtained by users through these third party websites. Also Sisemed is not responsible of third party website inside links.

Data protection policy relating to the sending of commercial communications by Sisemed

Who is the Controller of your data?
Identity: Servicios Integrales de Soporte a la Electromedicina, SL., Company Tax Code: FIN ES-B65324030
Postal address: Pau Alcover, 33 08017, Barcelona, (Spain)
Telephone No.: +34 932 5361 20
Email address: delegadoprotecciondatos@sisemed.com

Why do we process your personal data?
At Sisemed, we process information given to us by data subjects in order to send them communications regarding Sisemed and the products and services it offers in the area of IT solutions for healthcare centres and to provide them with information regarding the healthcare-related IT solutions that may interest them. Such information may be sent via email.

Sisemed does not undertake any commercial profiling with the information provided.

How long do we store your data?
The data provided will be stored until the data subject requests its elimination. All of our commercial communications give you the option to remove yourself from the recipient file. If you wish to exercise the "REMOVE ME" option, your data will be erased from the recipient file for our general communications.

What is the legal basis for processing your data?
The legal basis for data processing lies in the consent requested from you in order to undertake such processing, which entails sending you commercial and informative communications produced by Sisemed, including by means of email. You may withdraw your consent at any time. This shall not affect the lawfulness of any processing undertaken with your consent prior to its withdrawal.

Who will your data be given to?
Data solely comprising your email address will be given to the company, The Rocket Science Group, LLC, which is responsible for the MailChimp platform that Sisemed uses to send communications relating to the processing referred to in this document. The Rocket Science Group, LLC, is the North American company, incorporated in the state of Georgia, to which Sisemed entrusts such processing. The servers of The Rocket Science Group, LLC, are located in the USA, where the processing is also undertaken.

MailChimp participates in and complies with the framework established under the EU-US Privacy Shield agreement. Information is available on https://mailchimp.com/legal/privacy/ and on the Privacy Shield on https://www.privacyshield.gov/list. It is also specifically available on https://www.privacyshield.gov/participant?id=a2zt0000000TO6hAAG&status=Active and under the model clauses available on https://mailchimp.com/legal/forms/data-processing-agreement/

What are your rights when you provide us with your data?
You have the right to access your personal data and to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, its erasure.

In certain circumstances, you may request the processing of your data to be restricted. In such case, we will only store your data for the purpose of undertaking or defending complaints.

In particular circumstances and for reasons related to your specific situation, you may object to the processing of your data. Sisemed will stop processing data unless it is so required on legitimate grounds or for the purpose of undertaking or defending possible complaints.

You have the right to exercise the portability of your data.
To exercise the aforementioned rights, you will need to send notification thereof to the Controller at the following email address: delegadoprotecciondatos@sisemed.com. Sisemed will respond within one month, unless the complexity or volume of requests received require such timeframe to be put back to a maximum period of two months. In such case, you will be informed of the reason for such time extension within 30 days as from submitting the request to exercise your rights.

Furthermore, you have the right to submit a complaint to the Control Authority (Spanish Data Protection Agency) if you believe that the processing does not comply with the GDPR. Please find attached a link to the Spanish Data Protection Agency: www.agpd.es. Its address is Calle Jorge Juan, nº 6, 28001, Madrid and its telephone number is 912663517.
Are your data secure?
To ensure the security of your personal data, we hereby inform you that we have adopted the technical and organisational measures required to guarantee the security of any data provided as regards their alteration, loss, misuse, disclosure and unauthorised processing or access, taking into consideration the risks inherent to such processing and the type of data in question, which are email addresses, as required under the personal data protection legislation. MailChimp, the company entrusted with the data processing, has also adopted reasonable and appropriate measures of the same nature.

Final notice
Sisemed may amend this additional information to adjust it to any legislative or case-law measure on personal data that may arise. As such, we recommend that you regularly contact us to request the latest version of said information.


Limited Liability

In any case Sisemed, its suppliers or third parties mentioned on this page will be liable for damages of any kind (including, without limitation, damages resulting from lost profits, lost data or business interruption) resulting from the use, inability to use or the results of using this site, any website linked to this website or materials and/or information contained in any of these pages, such liability whether based on warranty, contract, negligence or fault, or any other legal theory, and regardless of whether or not users have been advised of the possibility of such damages.

If the user's use of materials or information on this page implies the need to provide a service, repair or correction of equipment or data, that user will be responsible for those costs. Applicable law may not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for any direct or indirect, in which case the above limitation may not apply to users.

Information about cookies

Sisemed uses cookies to analyse user traffic, especially analytics cookies (Google Analytics). This allows us to create visitor statistics and collect data about the most viewed contents so that we can improve our website.

This application does not collect users' personal data, but provides information about the number of times a user visits the page, their language, social networks where they post our news, the city where their IP address is assigned, the number of users that visit, frequency and repeated visits, visit duration, and the web browser, operator and type of terminal used.

These cookies are not harmful, but the user can disable them if they wish. Please find the links for each browser: